Whenever I feel an existential crisis episode coming on, I try to do as many "Car" things as I can in a futile attempt to ground myself. One of the staple activities for this is to have horror movie marathons. Ordinarily my preferences lie in 70s and 80s slasher gore fest films, but I'm always up for a good serial killer thriller or satanic cult theme.
A couple nights ago I investigated what's popped up on netflix instant in this category lately and picked out this gem from 1977 called The Sentinel.

The movie stars Cristina Raines as Alison Parker, a successful, yet suicidal fashion model - always a winning combination. After a couple of failed attempts at taking her life, she moves into a brownstone in Brooklyn where her only neighbor is a blind priest, who lives upstairs and spends his days "watching" out his window. She begins to hallucinate and experience strange pains and ultimately learns that the house is a gateway to hell, ruled by a group of excommunicated priest's that wish to absolve her from her sins by making her the next sentinel. There is a great climax scene where the demons are coming out of the woodwork in attempts to drag her over to the dark side. The ultimately achieve their goal and the end scene is Raines as a blind nun, watching out her top floor window in the resurrected building after the demolition of the original brownstone. It's definitely worth a watch and has a good amount of notable actors, Christopher Walken even makes an appearance in his role as a Detective Rizzo.
Next up, Slumber Party Massacre!