Thursday, August 30, 2012


One of my favorite things about Grimes is the way that her body moves. The tiny 24 year old Canadian has an ethereal yet dangerous presence, and so does her music. Signed to 4AD Records early this year, her music is a natural evolution to the label's original aesthetic, standing up against such legendary artists as Cocteau Twins, The Birthday Party and Pixies. In this pre show interview in San Francisco while on tour supporting her album Visions, Grimes talks about growing up in Vancouver in the wake of the Skinny Puppy legacy as well as moving to Montreal and getting involved in the noise scene. All though subtle and probably imperceptible to anyone unfamiliar with those genres, the influence and undertones are definitely present. Adding director to her resume, Grimes also starred in her new video for the track Genesis that was released last week. It's a pretty epic scenario when an Escalade full of club kids with swords rolls out through the desert. Reminiscent of the old school rave days when everyone donned a minimum of 6 inch platforms and danced at Limelight every night, Grimes is officially the queen of the nineties revival and the Tank Girl of the 21st century.

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